Displaying items by tag: ✔ Самый жизнеутверждающий фильм

Wednesday, 18 July 2018 22:56

At eye level

Michael, an 11-year-old boy, lives in an orphanage and has to fight every day to win the respect of the other kids. Then one day, he finds out who his father is and writes him a letter. His dad, Tom, happens to be a persons of short stature and is even shorter than Michael, but he wants to accept the challenge of fatherhood, even though he did not know he had a son. For Michael, Tom’s disability is a disaster - the opposite of the manliness and strength he envisioned his father to have. As time passes, they discover they have more in common than other sons and fathers and they form an unlikely bond, until their relationship is suddenly put to the hardest of tests.

Additional Info

  • Country Germany
  • Year 2016
  • Author Evi Goldbrunner, Joachim Dollhopf
  • Time 01:35:00
  • Возрастное ограничение 12+
Published in 2016